We are a specialist family law firm, the pioneers of fertility law in the UK. With unrivaled experience in surrogacy, same sex parenting, donor conception, fertility treatment and alternative family disputes (including divorce and civil partnership dissolution), our leading expertise has been making law for many years.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Check out our latest blog re #mediation and fertility law

Mediation is an increasingly common way of resolving family disputes, and can be an effective alternative to lengthy and stressful court proceedings in appropriate cases. Richard, who is a trained Resolution mediator, was recently asked to write an article for the Review (a journal for family lawyers) on mediation in fertility law cases. His article has been published in The Review’s edition focussed on mediation.
A lot of our disputed cases involve fertility related issues such as known donation disputes, surrogacy disputes and issues relating to parentage when same sex families break down. The flexibility of mediation lends itself to the differing dynamics of the structure of these types of families and can help to address sensitive issues. Mediation is a voluntary process and allows families in dispute to reach their own solutions with the assistance of a trained mediator, rather than have the uncertainty that can happen in court.
You can read the article here. For more information about mediation and family disputes and the services we offer please contact Richard at Richard@nataliegambleassociates.com

http://www.nataliegambleassociates.co.uk/blog/ . #familylaw

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Friday 28 February 2014

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Same sex marriage passed in Scotland. Fantastic news!

Surrogacy: Have a legal plan before you go abroad

And meanwhile in Thailand, Israeli parents fight to bring surrogate children home.

Surrogacy law change in Ireland: New law proposals

Whilst courts squabble over motherhood


Natalie on BBC news to discuss sperm storage and the Beth Warren case

Natalie interviewed on BBC news this evening about sperm storage and the Beth Warren case.

Friday 31 January 2014

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Families Thru Surrogacy Conference in Windsor, 8-9 March

Families Thru Surrogacy conference in Windsor, 8-9 March will be a great opportunity to meet leading experts and families in one place
Natalie and Helen are both looking forward to being keynote speakers there.